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Management Details

Michele McCann

Clinical Program Manager

Michele spent 2022-2023 as a Clinical Case Manager with Carelock, where she honed her skills in navigating the complex landscape of mental health support. Before that, Michele’s professional journey led her to local schools, where she was actively involved in creating positive environments for students. Armed with an educational background in psychology, Michele gained insights into human behavior that continue to shape her approach to fostering well-being. Now, as Carelock’s Clinical Program Manager, Michele leverages her diverse experiences to oversee and enhance programs that make a meaningful impact on individuals’ mental health and overall well-being. Michele’s journey from the realm of education to clinical management reflects a commitment to understanding and addressing the intricate interplay between psychology and practical solutions. As Michele guides Carelock’s clinical programs, her passion for creating supportive spaces remains at the core, driven by a belief in the transformative power of mental health initiatives.